高岡亜衣の思い 「一と感謝 Expression of gratitude」
自分らしく、Myself、Yourself. 私はいつも「一」でありたい。たった一つの存在、唯一無二の存在であること。人間は誰でもその可能性を持っている。だから私は私を諦めない。自分を諦めない。
Before I had chosen my current path, I had exhausted my energy and strength for living. I had become separated from myself, my spirit and body had collapsed. At that time when living was very painful, one thing saved me.
This was calligraphy.
From now on, I want to use my time to convey the importance of strength, gentleness and sometimes weakness in one’s life. Individuality, myself, yourself.
I always want to be part of this “oneness”. One life, the one and only presence in the world. Everyone has their own set of opportunities. For this reason I won’t give up on me. I won’t give up on myself.
To all the persons I have met until now, will meet from now, people who have supported me or will support me in the future, thank you. This feeling of gratitude bursting from inside me transforms my feelings into power. It is here, deep inside my heart. True, frank, intact.This very feeling of gratitude is what I want to share with people from all around the world.
高岡亜衣 ファースト作品集「一」
- 定 価/2,500円(税込)
- 仕 様/21cm×21cm 36ページ カラー
- 発行者/高岡亜衣事務所
- 発売元/株式会社リーフ・パブリケーションズ
- 発売日/平成28年5月26日
- 撮 影/田畑智英・be京都
- 翻 訳/lucile druet
- 企画・デザイン/株式会社アイデンティティブランディング
- 印刷所/図書印刷株式会社
- 感 謝/平野則正・谷口 健・石井まゆみ・糸井宏輔・大江祐介・井通香織・内山純一・岡元麻有・髙岡良一・髙岡照代・平野正二・平野アイ子 支えてくださった方々
- ISBN 978-4-908070-30-3 C0076